Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday Sept. 21

Today we learned a little more about our liver!  Please watch the video below and follow the directions.

Read the role play found on B-15 Body Works. 
Use the online book:
Student book:
1. Click on the link:
2. Click on the student link at the top of the website.
3. Enter the username and password.
USERNAME:  purdue7   /   PASSWORD:  science7
Find Activity 13 under the body works section.

Answer the following questions:
a. What are some of the functions of the liver?
b. People who have cirrhosis of the liver are usually on a strict diet. They have to be careful of what they eat and drink. Why do you think this is?
c. How can understanding how your liver works help you make decisions about your health?

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