Monday, February 25, 2019

Friday & Monday February 22, 25

Friday and today we worked through a lab that provided evidence that Earth's land masses might once have been together.  Following instructions, students pieced together a puzzle using continent shapes, fossil evidence and rock evidence.  Below is what we copied into our notebooks.
Students also found that India was an additional piece that matched better with with Africa and Antarctica than it did with Asia.

In steps 10-12 students compared their outline of the continents with these 4 sketches.  They were supposed to pick which picture their outlines best matched.  Students should notice that picture 2 best matched their outlines.
The continents were believed to be in one large mass 230 million years ago in a super continent called Pangea.

Lastly, students completed 2 analysis questions.
Question 1:  Describe what has happened to the land on the surface of the Earth over the past 425 million years.
Questions 3:  What types of evidence did the puzzle provide to suggest Earth's land masses were together?

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