Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday September 30

To we took a formative over cell parts.  Students should log in to GoFormative and take the formative titled "Cell Parts/ Pro and Eukaryote".  Be sure to go back in to your submitted test to see what you missed and what the correct answer is.
We also took time to complete a cell review.  The answers are posted below.  I have also posted an activity where we compared how a city works to how a cell works.  The pictures are titled "Cell City Analogy".   Lastly I posted the pictures and explanations for our Egg Demonstration.

Cell Parts Review Quizlet LINK

Cell City Analogy
(read the paragraph and find the cell part that matches the underlined city part)

Egg Demonstration
This was used to provide evidence that the cell membrane does allow things to move into and out of the cell.

Day 2 (egg in vinegar; shell dissolved and egg swelled)

Day 3 (egg in karo syrup; water moved out of cell and cell shrank; notice there is more liquid in the cup)

Day 4 (egg in pure water; water moved into cell and cell swelled; notice that there is less water in the cup)

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